I Have a Weird Feeling in My Gut

And they always say you should trust that when it happens.

I'm getting weird vibes from certain friends of mine.

I don't ask questions that I don't want to hear the answers to, so I don't want to know... but I certainly hope there is no truth to these little hints I'm getting from people. I certainly hope you're at least a decent person. Because if I find out that what I'm getting this feeling about is true...

Let's just say it's not going to end well for any of us.

I'm angry with you about what you did to me 7 months ago, but that's to be expected... I certainly hope you haven't done something truly despicable and unforgivable and so hurtful to me that it makes me hate you to the core forever.

If this turns out to be true then I'm fucking out.

I would like to think that I know you better than that... but at this point I don't trust you at all and question whether or not I ever really knew who you were. So I can easily see you doing something horrible at this point.

I seriously hope it isn't true. For all of us.


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