This Man is complicated, yet loving This Man is simple. It requires only that you love Him, there is no additional burden to bear.
This Woman is not complicated, but loving her is. It comes with additional obligations which can be daunting at the outset.

This Man wasn't sure He could live up to what was asked and spent many nights in the early days debating if He were up to the task.
But This Man learned very quickly that This Woman was worth it.
This Woman was worth anything... This Woman was worth everything.

This Woman brought out strength in The Man that He didn't know he possessed.
This Woman gave This Man a drive and purpose to accomplish things He never knew he had the capacity for.
This Man saw no end to what He could do with This Woman at His side.

In This Woman This Man had found what He had searched for from the moment He began to look.
This Man realized that every step He had taken His entire life was leading Him to This Woman.
Even when This Man was years away from knowing This Woman's name, This Woman's face, He was already on His way to Her... He just didn't know it yet.
This Man already loved This Woman... He just didn't know it yet.

During those years before This Man met This Woman, even if his steps were taking Him farther from Her, in reality He was moving closer to Her with each footfall.
This Woman was This Man's destiny.
This Woman was to be the reason This Man endured all that life had put upon Him.
This Man survived all of life's "slings and arrows" because beyond all of that struggle The Woman was waiting and the entire point of His life would then become clear.

This Man is not perfect... and He failed at certain times along the way with This Woman.
This Man made missteps, but This Man never stopped trying.
This Man would never stop trying. Ever.

This Woman is not perfect... but she is absolutely perfect for The Man.
This Woman has to change nothing, she must simply "be" and The Man will love Her in her entirety for the rest of His days.

Now this man stands alone.
Now This Woman stands alone.
But this man still stands.
this man still loves This Woman.
this man will love This Woman always. This Woman will always be this man's purpose.

this man waits.
this man wonders how... could this have all gone so wrong?


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