I Miss...

...taking my laptop to bed to watch Critical Role, even when I wasn't sleepy, just because I wanted to be next to you. Sometimes I would run my fingers through your hair as you slept... and you never knew.

...showing you the beautiful worlds I was discovering in whatever video game I was playing at the time (The Witness, Rime, Uncharted, Mass Effect, Horizon: Zero Dawn, etc.)

...making you coffee. I rarely drank it before you came along and the machine hasn't really even been used since you left.

...kissing your lower back.

...setting the alarm clock for you at night.

...bringing you anything you needed to the side door at school. Especially the times when you had a free moment and wanted me to come in and stay with you for a little while. I loved being in your classroom with you.

...smelling your perfume(s). I especially liked how they would linger even after you had left. It always made me smile and think how much I loved you and how I couldn't wait for you to return.

...that little wiggle you would do when you caught me looking at your butt as you walked out of the room.

...singing you goofy, made up songs in the morning. "Jeff Originals" as you labelled them.

...pacing the floor, waiting for you to finish getting ready for plans we had to go out at night. And having my breath absolutely taken away when you finally came around the corner. Worth the wait... Every. Single. Time.

...getting hundreds of texts from you each day, throughout the day. We were always in constant communication. I loved how we talked continually... about everything... about nothing. Life feels so silent now. I have never before talked to anyone so constantly and frequently. I loved it.

...reaching over and putting my hand on your thigh as I drove us places. And how you would almost always put your hand on top of mine.

...the sound of your voice.

...being happy.


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