Unanswered Questions

When exactly did you know you might not go through with the wedding?

  • When I was standing there in that ridiculous blue suit in the store, did you already know you might bail out? What about when I was making the wedding hotel/flight plans? Did you already know then? How long were you lying to me?

Did you ever pass on my invitation to do things with you and kids to them?

  • What about when I offered to take any one of them to a breakfast? Did you show Kyle the picture of the LF I got for him? Or did you just keep it all to yourself, essentially deciding for all 6 of us that we weren't going to spend time together ever again?

What did you do with my wedding ring?

  • Did you return it or do you still have it? Was it just too much hassle to return or is there some little part of you that still might want to see it on my finger one day? (as of now I still have both of yours)

Do the kids know that I have never stopped offering to work this out?

  • Do they know that this didn't end because I wanted it to, that it was solely your decision and that I've tried for months to change your mind? I want it to be clear to them that this didn't end because I "didn't like them". This ended because you chose to not even give us a chance, not give me a chance to fix things. I didn't walk away from this, you did.

Are you happier now than you were 3 months ago... 6 months ago?

  • Is this better? Is this easier? Is life as enjoyable as it was when we were together? It isn't on this end.

What goes through your mind when I say "You can have everything you want"?

  • Do you think I'm lying to you? When have I ever lied to you? When have I ever not followed through on anything I've promised or said that I would do? Do you think you don't deserve it or that I'm just incapable of doing my part? You're wrong, either way.

How do you accept just letting me go, eventually to be with other people, if you truly love me?

  • The idea of being with anyone else is so depressing to me. No one will ever live up to you. I wasn't lying when I said "you've spoiled me for other women". And the idea of you being with other men, especially sexually, is the most disturbing thing I can think of. Yet, that's what you've chosen. If not already, eventually that's what will happen. If you could let me go so easily then I can't help but feel like you didn't value me very much at all.

How quickly after ending this did you end up in your own place?

  • After 3 almost months from the breakup you claimed to not have the money to pay me back, but if you were already paying rent somewhere else then that means you were still lying to me (once more).

Do you not feel any guilt or responsibility after all I sacrificed for us, all that my family did to help us have what we wanted?

  • You can dismiss it all and say I "didn't do enough" but I did a hell of a lot for years, and my family moved mountains for us. You acting like none of it mattered has been incredibly insulting to everyone involved. Do you not bad about that at all?

And because everyone has *immediately* asked me this every time I first told them we had ended (especially women) "Are you sure there isn't someone else?". I would respond with "Nah... no fucking way" because that just isn't who we were. We cared for and respected each other too  much. But now that you blatantly told me with total disregard of my feelings that you're fucking someone else... I have to ask...
  • Is this someone you had an eye on for a while? Was this a factor in you bailing?
I think not... but at this point I don't trust your you for one fucking second. And I swear to fucking god if I find out that this is some "friend of Jason's" that fucking Christina set you up with...


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