And Then There Are Sweet Things Like This :: Mindset - RueSaintMartin

I'm in love with this song... been listening to it for days on repeat... Only I can't for the life of me figure out the second line...

I'm pretty sure the first one is
"I just don't love you" (don't love you... don't love you... don't love you... don't love you)

But I cannot for the life of me figure out the second one...
"There's no more way to... ???"
"There's only one way to.. ???"
"There's no other way to... ???"

Or I could have it all completely wrong and am just hearing what I want to...

But my first thought: "[Most Beautiful] would be able to tell what they are saying, she always could... and she remembers every lyric ever".

Dammit, [Most Beautiful].

God damn if little things like this that I adored about you make me miss the living hell out of everything about you.

I hate it.

So angry...

So sad...

So in love...

So trying not to be any of that.

EDIT: Another friend figured it out... It's 
"I just don't love you"
"There no more you and I"


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