Happy Birthday to the Bickerers and Cheaters :: Tomorrow

Yesterday was Ex-NFL's birthday.

His bitch wife was up his ass the entire time, snipping at him when he did little unimportant things that irritated her. Again, I think to myself... we were never like that. We were never *going* to be like that.. yet those two fuckers are *still* together and we're not. Makes no fucking sense to me... and is such a waste.

And when she's not around his old antics continue... although with the way she acts I can't blame him. He often talks of divorce... then a few days later he's back to "things are getting better!"... so clearly he got her to lay him and so he forgets his misery for a few days.

We were out with two attractive female friends of mine last week, one of whom, like him, is unhappily married. At some point they were dancing and grinding on each other. It's clear he'd like to fuck her if he had the chance. And, again, it pisses me off and makes me think how shitty that is. That people are in these shitty marriages, and they stay, remaining unhappy. And that ours would have been better. That I never would have treated you that way... yet here we are... he's still married and we've been torn apart for over 6 months.... never made it to the beach.

Such a fucking waste of such good love and happiness. Congrats. Great job.

Yes, I made mistakes, but you were the one who burned it all completely to the fucking ground.

And then there's tomorrow.

It took a considerable effort not to do something for you tomorrow. But friends pointed out what a waste that would be, what a pathetic gesture and just another one that would be ignored and not appreciated just like everything else I did for you during the last 5 years.

And I'm sure you have some other fuckface that'll be doing something for you anyway. Last thing I need is you and some random fucker laughing about me and how pathetic it is that I still care about you. And again, I bought you a house and put a ring on your finger... but you'll be sucking some other guy's dick tomorrow night. Seems fair!

At least know that the urge to do something nice for you was wrestled with quite a bit, but level heads prevailed this time.

Oh, and I suppose you heard that J&C are now engaged. I want to be happy for them... but it stings like hell and I can't believe those bickering fuckers are still together... that he finally stepped up... yet we're apart.

This is all such fucking bullshit.

Oh, and yes, I've been out of dates with a handful of people.. but it only takes one or two to realize there is no point to continuing with them. I guess my standards are higher than yours since I don't just start fucking the first person to come along. Or maybe it's that I actually *can* be alone, whereas the S-girls always have to have someone... god forbid they spend a night alone or stand on their own for once.

Meanwhile I'm trudging through shit like the person who announced early on (to her credit) that she had herpes... wanting to be forthright before we started down any romantic path. Yeah, there was no follow up date... and all I could do was be so pissed at you that I'm having to wade through this kind of bullshit and these people who are so much less than you because you were too much of a coward to even *TRY* to salvage the great thing we had. Thanks... it's exactly the kind of shitty world of dating out there that I already knew it would be.

I'm so fucking happy that you are having better luck (or, like I said, just much lower standards).


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